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Am just blown away every week by what the kids learn and how absolutely perfect this method fits into my own belief system—things i didn’t know before. Thank you, Bambino! You nourish our children’s minds with your work, you nourish their bodies with your organic nutrition program, and you nourish their spirits with your caring and encouraging staff.
John’s mother
From the nutrition program to the yoga to the hugs for our kids, this is a place where i see the kids learn to be happy, healthy, confident and loving human beings. I love the emphasis that living montessori places on emotional development. These are the years which define who they will be as people. I’m glad my son is in such a nurturing, productive environment.
Ashley’s mother
If you are a brave and patient parent who doesn’t mind either going after your young kid or watching patiently but carefully your older one, then this place is for you. It’s not a place a parent can relax. I don’t know if we could have gotten through the experience. But kids love it.